Alexandria - Vale of Leven Public Park
North Street : G83 0EA
The North British Daily Mail on June 14th 1869 described the velocipede racing. "The competitions in which the most interest was manifested were those where two wheeled velocipedes were employed, all the spectators making a point to be on the field at the time. The speed obtained was good, although a grass field, indented with deep farrows, is about the worst possible place for bicycle propulsion. It may be remarked that velocipede ‘mania' has spread largely in the Vale, the mechanics in the different public works having constructed beautiful machines for their own use. A vey fine specimen of the two wheeler was ridden in the park. It was built wholly of iron in Alexandria Works by the owner, and appeared to solve the problem that light serviceable wheels can be made entirely of that material."

The Vale of Leven national games were held the following year, but did not include velocipede races.

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